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Is an adaptogenic herb, known as the 'Queen of Ayurveda', a system of health and balanced living rooted in ancient India, and is now known world-wide for it's beneficial effects on human physiology. Like other adaptogens, Ashwagandha works to normalize and optimize one's physiological response to stress. Ashwagandha also possesses many unique characteristics that make it an ideal herb for these times.


Ashwagandha soothes and nourishes healthy nervous systems, nourishes and restores healthy reproductive systems and supports healthy, deep, restorative sleep. 

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Tulsi offers broad spectrum protection from stress, fosters a sense of well-being, supports healthy blood sugar levels, lipid profiles and inflammatory response while encouraging detoxification.

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Vervain is known to help quiet the mind, amplify intuition, and open the heart to magic and synchronicity. Additionally, it is an excellent plant ally for supporting healthy stress response, sleep, and kidney and bladder function.

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June 7 2019

I had been running on anxiety and overwhelm and feeling like I was about to implode for weeks (grad school will do that to you) and I really needed to settle down to prepare for finals. I remembered this blend, which has helped me so much in the past, and tried taking some (about 1/4 dropper every 30 mins for about 2 hours). I feel much more grounded, collected, and calm and am finally able to sit down and concentrate. It's pretty miraculous! I have taken a lot of herbal remedies and studied herbs for many years, and I can count on one hand the number of product reviews I have left...but I had to come back to review this blend. Thank you so much for this remedy.


September 2 2019

I've used this Ashwagandha formula for a year now.
In times of high stress or event, this has helped my nervous system and mind. I also have struggled with Insomnia for 10 years. This does help to relax me enough to not toss & turn and calm my mind down enough to get sleep, and not wake up feeling groggy!!
It's wonderful quality stuff, and straight forward.
So awesome! Love this company!!! :)


January 17 2020

A neurologist suggested I try Ashwagandha...This was the ONLY thing that helped me to get a good night's sleep since my head injury. Sleeping more deeply has many of my post-concussion symptoms finally dwindling. I was suffering intensely and daily from fatigue, memory loss, word recall trouble, confusion and fogginess to name a few. While they're not completely gone, it's undeniable the impact that being able to have restful sleep has had on the long process of brain healing that I'm still navigating. THANK YOU, Portland Ashwagandha Farms, for helping my brain get the rest and recovery it so desperately needs. I'm ordering my second bottle today (it's lasted me a little over a month with this dosage, and I take it in the morning for clarity sometimes as well.) I HIGHLY recommend this product.

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